M425 rotary 토크 센서

최고정밀도 0.1%    최대가성비 
•Range : 0~60,000 Nm
•Accuracy: 0.1%
•Non-Linearity: 0.1%
•Repeatability: 0.05%
•Sample Rate: 1 to 4000 samples per second
•Serial Torque Outputs: Rs485, RS232, Ethernet, Modbus UPD, USB Logging
•Analogue Torque Outputs: 4-20mA configured 4-20mA (4-12-20mA): +/-10Vdc, +/-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc or 0-5Vdc
•Operating Range: -10 to +70˚C
•Environmental Protection: IP54
•Power Supply: 10-24Vdc 250mA

RS425 비접촉 토크 센서

•Range : 0~30,000 Nm
•Accuracy: 0.1%
•Non-Linearity: 0.1%
•Repeatability: 0.05%
•Sample Rate: 1 to 4000 samples per second
•Serial Torque Outputs: Rs485, RS232, Ethernet, Modbus UPD, USB Logging
•Analogue Torque Outputs: 4-20mA configured 4-20mA (4-12-20mA): +/-10Vdc, +/-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc or 0-5Vdc
•Operating Range: -10 to +70˚C
•Environmental Protection: IP67/68
•Power Supply: 10-24Vdc 250mA

FF425 Non-Contact Flange Torque Transducer

•Range : 0~30,000 Nm
•Accuracy: 0.1%
•Non-Linearity: 0.1%
•Repeatability: 0.05%
•Sample Rate: 1 to 4000 samples per second
•Serial Torque Outputs: Rs485, RS232, Ethernet, Modbus UPD, USB Logging
•Analogue Torque Outputs: 4-20mA configured 4-20mA (4-12-20mA): +/-10Vdc, +/-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc or 0-5Vdc
•Operating Range: -10 to +70˚C
•Environmental Protection: IP54
•Power Supply: 10-24Vdc 250mA

FF410 비회전형 토크 센서

•Range : 100~10,000 Nm
•Combiner Error: 0.2% FSD
•Sensitivity: 1.8mV/V (nominal) Hysteresis / Repeatability: 0.1% of FSD
•Operating Range: 0 to +70˚C
•Environmental Protection: IP54 (IP68 to order)
•Excitation Voltage: 5-15 VDC
•Max Overload Capacity: 150% of full load
•Bridge Resistance: 700 ohms (nominal)

Datum Connect Interface (DCI) Module

•M425.RS425,FF425,PTO등 모든 토크 측정 유닛과 호환 가능
•4 configurable analogue outputs for Torque, Speed*,Power and Thrust
 Unipolar : 4-20mA, 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc (Speed is unipolar only)
 Bipolar : 4-12-20mA, , +/-5Vdc, +/-10Vdc
•USB Type B, RS485 Terminals Rx/Tx Interface
•Datum Connect App
 Live Data Display, Data Logging, Wifi & Settings, Alarms & Support

Datum Universal Interface (DUI) Module

•Normal Specification Range: +10 to +60  ̊C
•Environmental Protection: IP54
•Electromagnetic Compatibility: EN61326-1:2006 (IEC61000-4, IEC60945)
•RS485/RS232 Serial – data outputs
•4 channels of analogue – user configurable to 4-20mA 4-12mA, +/-5Vdc, +/-10Vdc, 0-5Vdc and 0-10Vdc *The data used for these outputs can be user selected from the Torque, RPM and Power data plus an additional strain input (often used for shaft bending or thrust).

C A L L   M E

(+82) 031-602-0042
(+82) 010-4710-1626
E - M A I L


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